Friday, April 6, 2012

Happiness is: Growing Things

If you are like me, a grower of things, then you know what this time of year means. When we see the first of the Hyacinth and Tulips poke their little heads through the ground, we are renewed with a sense that we may make it through another winter with some sanity intact. It is the first time in months we have seen signs of New growth, proof that there is a gardeners life after Winter. That was a small fib, considering I started seeds under a light weeks ago. And the excitement was similar when I saw the first little green shoots threatening to burst forth from the soil. There is just nothing else like watching things grow, when you have a passion for it. People have been doing it for thousands of years before me, but I swear when I have a bulb come back or an herb make it through the winter, I feel like the first person to have ever made such a thing happen. I want to climb on the roof top and yell, MY HIBISCUS IS BLOOMING EVERYONE! I'm here to admit it, I'm a huge gardening nerd! 

A peek under the covers! Alex was a dear and put hoop houses over my raised beds a couple weeks ago. Here is a look at some pretty happy Broccoli I put in shortly after the hoops went up. I am trying to start all of my own plants this year, in an attempt to make gardening make more sense financially. Some seeds can be thrown right in the dirt and sprouted and grown right in the same spot. Others need a good head start indoors. Right now I have 3 types of Tomatoes, And 4 Types of Peppers still growing under a light. I put Peas, Peppers, Radish and Romaine seeds right in the ground. Along with these Happy Broccoli starts I also put in Some not so happy Cauliflower, I'm thinking they may have been too small, oops! If there is one thing a gardener has to learn, it is this, every mistake is a chance to learn. And boy, I have made my fare share of mistakes. I figure some time in my 80's I may have this "hobby" figured out.

While out poking around in the Garden today, I noticed my Mason bees had hatched and taken off. You can see in the picture the tubes down there at the bottom have the little dirt plugs pushed out. How exciting! These guys are new to me, Lets hope they find their way back and lay more babies in the remaining tubes for next year. 

Perennials are a gardeners old stand by. For every Tomato that we have babied and coddled, there is a Hop plant guaranteed to come back every year. They die back in the fall and wait patiently under the snow for the first signs of spring. They are the first to poke their heads through the dirt, grow like crazy despite lack of water and attention(cause I'm over coddling some damn Tomato!) and then stick around until they finally give in and turn brown like the rest of the fall foliage.Alex is a home brewer and so these Hops get put to good use. Not only are they good for making beer, but hops also make a great soothing tea.

If I could only grow one thing, No doubt, it would be Herbs. This time of year is heavy with herbs. My chives are back looking full and tasting lovely. I also have Bay, Rosemary, Oregano, Parsley, and Thyme that either lived through the winter or are coming back with a vengeance. Fresh herbs are pretty expensive to buy in the store and super easy to grow yourself. Some may say they are a gateway to growing edibles. Fresh Herbs taste great and add a little something to most everything that you can cook up.

My garden is my sanctuary, and Gardening my drug of choice. I remember a time when folks used to walk by our house in Ballard and stop and comment on this or that in the garden. Alex would say, "oh, gardening is Lauras thing". Well, it took me a few years but I think I have him hook line and sinker. He is a huge gardening nerd too. I don't know how many times I found him in the garden staring at one plant or another. I'm sure he was waiting and watching the garden grow. I don't buy clothes or shoes, I buy plants. There is rarely jewelry in my shopping cart, but there is always a pack of seeds or two. If you have ever considered gardening, buy one herb this year and put it in the kitchen window. Just give it a try, if it dies or your not into it, well, you tried.  And if you are a big old gardening nerd like me, wear it with pride. The home gardener is the future of good food production, Some day, the rest of the world will catch on.

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